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Q3 Roadmap

Hello! Storm Striker Members!

In this post, I would like to review our Q2 roadmap and explain the roadmap for Q3.

Q2 Roadmap Review

According to our Q2 roadmap plan, each team aimed to complete three items,

and we achieved two items per team at a noticeable level.

Although we didn't reach our goal, we are confident that the game is gradually improving.

We will continue to show progress. We appreciate your continued interest and play.

Q3 Roadmap

One of the biggest issues currently facing Storm Striker is ‘Matchmaking’.

With a low number of users, matchmaking is difficult, and even when matches are made,

the balance is severely uneven.

To address this, we need to conduct marketing to form an adequate matching pool,

but it is also important to ensure that users who join the game continue to return.

Reasons for the low number of concurrent users.

The development team decided to look for reasons other than marketing.

We kept thinking about how to make new users return the next day,

and we concluded that it is difficult with the current game structure.

Therefore, we plan to make significant changes to the game in Q3, which we call the ‘Game Changer’.

To strengthen the game's uniqueness, provide a different play experience,

and make the game more enjoyable, several Game Changer candidates are being tested.

Although we are not yet certain which Game Changer will make Storm Striker more fun,

we will provide more detailed information as soon as possible.

Development Status

Although we worked hard to achieve our goals after selecting the Q2 roadmap,

it was difficult to reach the targets. Given the significant changes planned for Q3,

we are cautious about mentioning specific items and claiming they will be completed.

Instead, we would like to share some of the ongoing work that we can share with you.

  • Lightning

The next hero to be released, Lightning, is currently in the skill implementation stage and is being developed with balance adjustments.

  • Legendary Skin in Production

Lucy's legendary skin is in production, and other legendary skins have also been selected for future production.

  • Partnership with Miracle Play

We are strategizing to gradually grow and activate Storm Striker through a partnership with Miracle Play,

an esports tournament platform company.

We are trying many things beyond these.

The game is still lacking in many areas, and we will have to go through many trials and errors,

but we will continue to show progress and strive to make Storm Striker a beloved game.

Thank you for reading this long post.

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